International workshop «EUROPEAN INTEGRATION : OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES FOR UKRAINE» Kyiv, 11th of December, 2020.

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine
Association of Researchers of EU Values in Education (AREVE)
Association of Professors and Researchers of European Integration (APREI)
Genoa University (Italy)
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Kyiv National University of Culture
Sumy National Agrarian University
Melytopol State Pedagogical University
International workshop
for students, young researchers, PhDs, practitioners and academicians
Kyiv, 11th of December, 2020.
The workshop is in the frame of Jean Monnet Chair “Social Cultural Aspects of European Studies” (SCAES) – 620635-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR and in cooperation with + Jean Monnet Project «European values of diversity and inclusion for sustainable development» 620545-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-PROJECT та Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Chair «EU Climate Leadership» 620031-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR.
Due to integration process of Ukraine, knowledge of basics of European integration is vital in these circumstances. And it’s very important to give the new generation, future social actors this knowledge.
The purpose of this workshop is to describe the stages of the European Union creation, the main steps in European integration, consider peculiarities of the EU founding and current trends inside this formation. Special attention is paid to Treaties of the EU that form it.
Workshop will cover various aspects of the integration process are explored: economic, industrial, legal, social integration, Schengen area, Euro area, etc.
During seminar will be examined the current state of development of the EU economy and financial sectors a whole, as well as of individual EU members. Particular attention is paid to the criteria applied to the countries applying for the EU membership and current candidate countries and potential candidates.
Duration of the workshop – 10.00 – 14.00
Languages of the workshop – English, Ukrainian.
The registration link is here.
The workshop will be provided in Zoom
Zoom meeting invitation – link is here.
Identification of conference: 338 657 2580
Code of access: 2956090
The detailed program of the workshop to be placed on the web sites and web sites of the partner universities.
For further details: +38 (097) 295 60 90, +38 (050) 311 34 35