Association of Researchers of EU Values in Education (AREVE)
Faculty of Educational Sciences DISFOR – Genoa University (Italy)
Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences
Goethe University
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Kyiv National University of Culture
Sumy National Agrarian University
Bogdan Chmelnitskiy Melitopol State Pedagogical University
Ukrainian Education:
Axeology of the European Choice
for students, young researchers, PhDs, practitioners and academicians, teachers, general public
Kyiv, 21st – 22nd of October, 2021.
The conference is in the frame of Jean Monnet Project «European values of diversity and inclusion for sustainable development» (EVDISD) 620545-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-PROJECT in cooperation with the Jean Monnet Chair «Social Cultural Aspects of European Studies» (SCAES) – 620635-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR and Jean Monnet Module 599918-ЕРР-1-2018-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE EUVOLIA and Jean Monnet Chair «EU Climate Leadership» 620031-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR. Under the support of the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine.
The aim of the conference is to unite leading researchers and scientists to exchange experiences and research results in philosophy, axiology, pedagogy. It also provides a leading interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the latest innovations, trends, and practical issues arising in the fields of philosophy and axiology.
Schedule of the conference.
Day 1. (blended format). European Pedagogical Studies.
Plenary session 10. 00 – 12.30
Panel discussion. Modern European standards, values and their significance for sustainable education.
Welcome speech from the National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine
12.00 – 13.00. Presentation of 5 books of the tremendous scientific work of Rector of NPDU Prof. V. Andrushchenko “Phenomenon of Education”.
13.00 – 14.00. Lunch break
14.00 – 16.00. Celebration of the 20th anniversary of “Higher Education in Ukraine”.
Day 2. (full online). Modern philosophy, axiology, culturology and pedagogy in the context of values of sustainable development.
This day of the conference is devoted to various aspects of social responsibility and social mission of universities, open dialogue with the society.
10.00 – 11. 00 – Plenary session. Panel discussion. Dialogue between education and society. Moderator – Prof. M. Nesterova. Invited speakers from the international funds, other organizations.
Program report: “European practice of value-based education for sustainable development”
11. 30 – 13.00 Work in sections.
Section 1. National pedagogical tradition and European educational values: facts of identity. Head and moderator – Prof. N. Demyanenko.
Section 2. Ecological challenges and sustainable development. Head and moderator – Prof. M. Dielini.
13.00 – 14.00 – Lunch time
14. 00 – 16.00. Work in session.
Session 3. Values of diversity and inclusion for sustainable development. Information culture for sustainable development. Head and moderator – Prof. D. Suprun.
Section 4. Values of education and education for values. Moderator – Prof. T. Troitska.
16.00 – 16.00. Networking, discussions.
16.30 – 17.00. – Summing up, closing of the conference.
Duration of the conference 21st – 22nd of October, 2021, 10.00 – 17. 00.
Registration – 9.45.
Participation and printing of abstracts is free.
Languages of the conference – English, Ukrainian, Russian.
The registration link is here.
Venue of the offline format – Aud. 231, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 9 Pyrogova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine.
The online format of the conference will be provided in Zoom.
The link is here
Publishing of abstracts – evdisd@npu.edu.ua
Times New Roman 14, 1.5, all margins 2 cm, 1-5 pages.
Name, surname, rank, degree, position, e-mail.
The detailed program of the conference to be placed on the web sites www.evdisd.info and web sites of the partner Jean Monnet projects and partner universities.
For further details:+38 (097) 295 60 90, marja@nesterova.com.ua