The 1st day of the #EUGreenWeek Partner Event – International conference “Value-based sustainable development of education: EU lessons for Ukraine” in the frame of implementation of the Jean Monnet Project EU Values of Diversity and Inclusion for Sustainable Development EVDISD in cooperation with JM Chair “Social and Cultural Aspects of EU Studies” SCAES. The plenary session started with warm greetings from Petro Krainik – Manager of Jean Monnet Erasmus+ Program at our lovely National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine & HERE team . Plenary speeches of our Rector Viktor Andrushchenko and Vice-rector on International Affairs Владимир Лавриненко have framed the European integration and value-oriented vectors of our discussion. Many interesting and important issues have been raised up at the plenary session, panel discussion, and workshop. A lot of thanks to Jean Monnet Teams leaders for the support and interesting speeches – Prof. Lyudmila Batchenko, Oksana Krayevska, Olena Tupahina, Olena Melnyk Tomorrow will be an interesting day too. Let’s join us!- the registration link is here