On March 4, 2021, an international round table “INCLUSIVE EDUCATION AND REABILITAION: PARTNERSHIP, STRATEGIES, METHODS (UKRAINIAN AND EUROPEAN DIMENSIONS)” was held, which was attended by more than 140 participants from the University of Genoa (Italy), NPU. M.P. Drahomanov, NULES, Moscow State Pedagogical University. Bohdan Khmelnytsky and Podolsk special educational and rehabilitation socio-economic college. The round table was held online, about 50 participants were simultaneously on the Zoom platform. The round table was held in the framework of the Jean Monnet project “European values of diversity and inclusion for sustainable development” Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project “European values of diversity and inclusion for sustainable development” (EVDISD) 620545-EPP-1-2020-1-UA- EPPJMO-PROJECT and in collaboration with the Jean Monnet Chair project “Social and Cultural Aspects of European Studies” (SCAES) 620635-EPP-1-2020-1-EN-EPPJMO-CHAIR.
The moderation of the round table, informing about the implementation of Jean Monnet projects and a report on European values of diversity and inclusion for sustainable development was carried out by the project coordinator Jean Monnet Prof. M. Nesterov, NPU. M.P. Драгоманова. Professor of the University of Genoa (Italy) D. Spulber, EU internal expert in both projects, Jean Monnet, gave a report on the main directions of inclusion in European education. The main trends and challenges of modern inclusive education were outlined by prof. M. Sheremet, NPU. M.P. Драгоманова. The latest developments in the field of social and emotional learning were reported to the audience by Dr. from the state. Management Mr. O. Orzhel, Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Also in the plenary session were presented the reports of prof. E. Blue, Assoc. V. Fedorchuk, docent G. Afuzova and others, which outlined the importance of European values in education, in particular, in the field of inclusion. The event was initiated by M. Nesterova and M. Voloshchuk, the initiator and coordinator of international activities of the College Podolsk College, the director of the college M. Tripak. The joint discussion outlined further opportunities for cooperation, in particular, in projects directed by Jean Monnet. Records, detailed program and materials of the round table can be found on the project website www.evdisd.info and on the websites of the event partners, in particular, on the website of Podolsk College https://posek.km.ua/.
Project information:
- Jean Monnet Project “European Values of Diversity and Inclusion for Sustainable Development” – JM Project “European Values of Diversity and Inclusion for Sustainable Development” (EVDISD) 620545-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-PROJECT is implemented in NPU . M.P. Драгоманова. This project includes study visits and a number of events to disseminate European values in higher education and civil society: a conference and a summer school, which include trainings and workshops from European project experts from the University of Genoa (Italy) and the University of Žilina (Slovakia). The project also involves specialists in European integration and inclusion from other Ukrainian universities – the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences, Sumy National Agrarian University, the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Melitopol State Pedagogical University and others. The project lasts 12 months, the project coordinator is a professor of the Department of Management and Innovative Technologies of NPU. M.P. Drahomanov, Philosopher. n., prof. Marya Nesterova +38 (097) 295 60 90, +38 (050) 3113435 info@evdisd.info, project website www.evdisd.info.
Photos of the event: