Today there is a growing understanding of the need to promote the European integration and EU Studies more enthusiastically and broadly; as well as build networks with colleagues in Ukraine and abroad. That is why it goes without saying that the main aim of the project is extremely actual for Ukraine.
To deep teaching in European Union studies embodied in an official curriculum of a higher education institution in the EU and constitutes the basis for future poles of European knowledge, particularly in Partner Countries we will:
– teach the EU issue students who do not study specifically on European issues (management, inclusive pedagogy, agricultural management etc.), engage the young generation of researchers.
– hold a joint web conferences andor round-table for educators from Ukraine and EU (Italy, Belgium etc.) that will enable Ukrainian educators and educational managers to get a professional experience in the field of social innovation in education (solidarity, inclusion, community based and value based education to enrich the higher pedagogical system in Ukraine and civil society accordingly. Also, internal experts from EU (Italy) will hold a webinar on the topic of European education policy in the field of social innovations and inclusion. It will help to share the experience of Italy about functioning in the implementation of European principles and standards of inclusion and common values in the system of higher education.
The project also includes study visits of teachers to the EU in order to raise their awareness in the European Policies Studies, in particular, policy in education. It will constitute the basis for deeper understanding of European values, to improve the developed modules of Chair, to obtain relevant and reliable information on the development of the EU and other issues disclosed in modules of Chair. Also the actions of the Chair will help to learn from the best practice, to get benefits from exchange of ideas with internal and external European experts within the project, and enable them to formulate relevant recommendations for Ukraine.
To provide in-depth teaching on European Union matters for future professionals in fields which are in increasing demand on the labour market – We will teach issues in EU subjects of social cohesion and inclusion, European values, transversal competences and civic education to the students of educational and managerial directions of studying. These modules will help to better understand the EU practices not only to future teachers but for practicing teachers of secondary and primary schools their better adaption to the demand of reforms in the Ukrainian education (New Ukrainian School project by personal support of Ministry of education and science of Ukraine. Some seminars will be held at the Institute of Longlife Learning of NPDU for civil servants within the courses of social innovations for their successful participation in the civil society sustainable development. Provided distance courses will give an opportunity to extend the modules of the Chair to a larger audience of students – especially those who work and want to get a second degree. Thus distance course will contribute to the development of the wider interest in the study of the EU principles and values, EU policies. The above teaching of the specific EU issues relevant for all kind of graduates and other categories of learners in their professional life.
Lectures, seminars and events are designed to provide practical knowledge and skills for students to be better equipped in their professional life for the increasing demand of the labour market – transversal competences (“XXI century skills”), including managers, civil servants, social workers, teachers and others regarding: applying the principles of consolidation, analysis of legislation, develop recommendations, resolution conflict situations, intercultural communication, working in a spirit of solidarity, teamwork, protecting human rights, development of relations between Ukraine and the EU, integration of migrants, strategic planning, effective decision making, justify own positions. Round-table will consolidate students of different universities and promote the exchange of skills and experience. Study visits also help teachers develop student’s professional skills as the result of improvement curriculum modules.
The Chair’s courses will promote discussion and reflection on social and cultural EU issues, including understanding the concept of Social Innovations as the nature of European Policies Studies of Social Innovations, their methodological and practical principles. The pragmatic aim of the project is to research and construct of Ukrainian opportunities to implement the European experience via discussion, learning of theoretical materials and practical tools.
The project activities will include important social focuses: consideration of European values and their implementation in Ukraine; social impact and cohesion problems within migration policies of the EU and Ukraine; problems of teaching, research and reflection in the field of European Union Studies in Ukraine. They will be conducted in the context of social cohesion and intercultural dialogues problems.
Expected results of the project: the development of 3 substantial courses (lectures and seminars) for deeper knowledge of Social Cultural European Studies for successful implementation of social innovations in education and society in Ukraine. The project’s team plans to provide: 4 seminars, 2 intensive courses, 1 training course and 3 distance courses on social and cultural aspects of EU Studies: Social and Cultural EU Policies and other vital topics of EU issues; 2 study visits to the Belgium and Italy for European experience exchange. All these results make a great impact into enhancement of the better integration of Ukrainian higher institutions, students and educators in to the European educational dimension. Also the Jean Monnet Chair project “Social & Cultural Aspects of EU Studies” will improve the visibility of scientific resources and academic activities in the field of the European integration:
– to promote the EU social and cultural innovations in education among Ukrainian professors and
– students understand deeper the driving forces of EU educational policy, EU social and cultural policies, EU youth and media policies, the EU goals and values, the role of social and cultural innovations in a processes of civil society sustainable development;
– students are more prepared for international cooperation and implementation of the European educational policy in Ukraine, for the successful defining of the strategy, operational plans and practical management of the programs and projects developed in the European Educational Policy;
– students are prepared and involved in to the intercultural dialog, non-violence communication and solidarity principles of EU integration and cohesion policies;
– students are more prepared for cooperation with NGOs, labour market key players and media for better implementation of European integration policy of Ukraine and for successful dissemination of the knowledge about the EU and its key social and cultural issues, EU relationships with Ukraine;
– researchers, working in the project and participating in the communicative events, will see much more widely the practical impact of their research activities;
– support is given to the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, teaching practice in various European Policies Studies;
– results of the research of Social & Cultural Aspects of the EU Studies will be applied also for other educational levels such as teacher training and compulsory education (through activities of Research Centre of HEI’s teacher’s competence development).
The complex theme of the project develops synergies between various disciplines and resources in European Union studies, taking in consideration multifocal approach. SCAES will launch the transnational knowledge exchange between Ukrainian, Italian and other EU experts, will strength the academician mutual cooperation at the different levels – young researchers and experts. Also the project will be open to the civil society through various activities of Chair’s teachers and experts.